My husband jokes that I am part Mexican. I LOVE Mexican food. I recently revamped a recipe I had found and we loved this! Dairy free, gluten free. If you do not do rice, you could sub cauli rice. This turned out so well…
This homemade taco seasoning is all real ingredients. No additives, no preservatives, no MSGs! This recipe will fill a pint mason jar! As always, my recipes are gluten and dairy free…
You can find the recipe for the Apple Pie Filling here…
Fall is in the air! And with fall comes all things apple and pumpkin! I remember as a child helping mom preserve apples…canning apple pie filling, freezing applesauce…whatever else you do with apples!
Last year I figured out how to make Paleo friendly applesauce. This year I was determined to figure out how to make Apple Pie Filling that I could eat. It is so fulfilling and convenient to have canned pie filling on hand. It makes it super easy to make a quick dessert should you need one in a hurry.
I needed to make a dessert for dinner at church on Sunday. I was tired of making the same ole’ things, so I went looking for something else to make. I remembered a cheesecake bar I used to make when we lived in the south. I pulled it out and while looking at it, I thought, “Now there is no reason in the world, I can’t remake this dairy and gluten free.” So that is exactly what I done!
When I started this way of eating, I never dreamed I would ever have cookies again! Let alone WHITE CHOCOLATE! So, to say I am excited is an understatement!
My husband, and boys bought me an Almond Cow for my birthday a couple weeks ago. I have wanted this guy for a while! In short, you can use this machine to make all kinds of nut milks, and creamers. (Click the link above for a starter set referral code and we will both receive a discount. 😉 ) I will try to do a post soon on the Almond Cow, but I was so excited about these cookies I had to share now.
Today has been a cold, comfort food kind of day. I also had a ham bone from my Christmas ham in my freezer. I really wanted soup beans and cornbread. So let’s see what we can do about that!
Cooking beans in a pressure cooker removes the lecithins which can be inflammatory for some people. This process allows me to enjoy beans on occasion. I do not eat them a lot, but today I really wanted soup beans.
My 2 month break has sort of turned into 4. I really did not mean for that to happen, but well…it just did. Listening to my body is one of the important things I am learning to do in this journey. It has definitely been a process.
I needed to work through some healing in some other areas of my life and to do that, I needed to shift my priorities a bit. I may or may not share more at a later time, but for now let me just encourage you…Emotional, spiritual, mental healing are all just as important if not more so than the physical healing. They all kind of go together. Sometimes it’s extremely painful, but necessary.
Before I get into my review today, I need to make a little announcement. The last 2 weeks have been an enormous, crazy, emotional, roller coaster ride for me. It’s a long, long story. Maybe someday I will be able to share it. (It’s not all bad…I know how brains work.) It will all work out the way it’s suppose to, but for right now, I have some things that I need to redirect my focus and attention on. Just trying to get my brain where it belongs is a big part of creating some of the emotional turmoil. God has also shown Himself mightily to my little family in the past couple weeks.
I am having a bit of an “off” week…so bear with me. Last week seemed to be a better week, as far as how I was feeling, but for some reason this week I am extra stressed, and having a couple issues. I am working on it. 🙂
I do have more items on my review this week though! AND!!! I do have our giveaway winner! She will be notified on Instagram! Congrats!
I was able to fix more items last week from our book. I will also warn you, that the next week may not have as many, if that’s the case I may skip a week and do a bigger review the next week. I also have more recipes ready to post. But first…this week’s review, from Danielle Walker’s Eat What You Love cookbook.
This recipe was easy to adapt. It is also an extremely easy, fast meal. Especially if you use leftover chicken, from say...Roasted chickens! (This is one big reason why everytime we roast a chicken…I actually roast 2. I love the million uses for leftover roasted chicken. It makes meals so quick, not to mention tastes great!
One of my favorite side dishes at holiday events or any family gathering actually is Cheesy Broccoli Casserole. Especially my Aunt’s recipe. I have tried a couple different things with this one, but the recipe below is my favorite so far. If I concoct something better, you will be the first…well…second to know! 😀 But this recipe is so super easy!
Wow! I had every intention of posting more recipes before this review, but man! Life sometimes happens! But I will eventually get them. Maybe I will create an eBook, of a few for you. Would this interest anyone? Comment below and let me know your thoughts on that!
Once again, my review list this week is not tremendously long. Like I said, life happened. I had to do grocery shopping over the weekend…we were about out of everything. That in and of it’s self about wipes me out. Plus, I had to do it by myself this time. Also, I may have to take a little break from making any of the “sweets”. I have a little inflammation going on, so I need to get that back under control, before it goes into a full blown flare. So we will see. But there are still plenty of other recipes for me to review, and try, and recreate! 🙂
This Baked Buffalo Chicken is one of my family’s favorites. And it is so easy to make! I really only had to edit a couple things from our original recipe, so this was an easy “recreate”. Before I post the recipe, I also want you to be able to share in the Giveaway I am doing on Instagram! Go follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Here are the details. Read carefully because you must follow all the rules! But first…let me tell you about the giveaway! I love my hot logic mini. It was a game changer for me. I was very overwhelmed at the beginning of my diagnosis. Not only was I having to change everything about what I eat, and how I eat…learn to cook all over again, but I also was having to think ahead to always have food ready to take with me…every.where.i.went. Then I found the #hotlogic. It was a #lifesaver! I now have several of these, and since it is one of my very favorite things, I am going to give one away. ($50+value) It comes with a glass container. (This one does NOT have a car adapter.).Rules…I know I know…but there has to be some. 😂.1. Like this post.2. Follow my Instagram or Facebook or both!2. Share my Instagram or Facebook post to your stories!3. Subscribe to this blog! .Winner will be announced on June 10th! Now here’s your recipe! 😉 Baked Buffalo Chicken 1# chicken breasts cut into strips 2 Tablespoons Ghee 1 Tablespoon hot sauce 2 teaspoons siracha sauce Breading:1/3 cup almond flour 1/3 cup nutritional yeast ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon paprika Directions:Combine the chicken, melted ghee, hot sauce, and siracha in a bowl and mix well until chicken is coated. Whisk the breading ingredients together and dip each piece of chicken into the breading to coat it on both sides. Place on a greased baking sheet and bake at 375* for about 25 minutes, until cooked through. Serve with siracha spiked ranch dressing for dipping, or simply with ranch dressing…