Hot Caramel Apple Cider

My 2 month break has sort of turned into 4. I really did not mean for that to happen, but well…it just did. Listening to my body is one of the important things I am learning to do in this journey. It has definitely been a process.

I needed to work through some healing in some other areas of my life and to do that, I needed to shift my priorities a bit. I may or may not share more at a later time, but for now let me just encourage you…Emotional, spiritual, mental healing are all just as important if not more so than the physical healing. They all kind of go together. Sometimes it’s extremely painful, but necessary.

But for now! How about a new, easy, fall recipe to get us started on getting back!

This was one of my favorite fall beverages, and honestly one of my easiest recipes to adapt! So go get you some Cider and enjoy! My husband and I have been enjoying this almost every evening lately as part of our “relaxing evening routine.”

Hot Caramel Apple Cider

  1. Make sure your Cider is purely pressed. No added sugars or anything. If you can get it locally even better!
  2. Heat 1/2 cup of water, 1/4 cup almond milk, and 1/8 cup coconut sugar and 1/8 cup of maple syrup (or 1/4 cup maple syrup, I have done both ways.) To boiling whisking the whole time.
  3. ADD 3 cups Cider. Heat thoroughly. Enjoy!
  4. You can make a whipped topping by beating 1/2 cup coconut cream until peaks form, then add 1 Tbsp coconut sugar or maple syrup.