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Category: Meditation

Where Are You Christmas?

I am stepping away from “food” for this post. This post will be considered mind/body/soul health and healing.

Where are you Christmas?

This song came on the other day and I always thought this was a strange song, but I happened to be in a rather melancholy mood, so I paid attention to the words.

You see, I was having a rough time. This year…just 3 days after Christmas…marks 10 years since my mom left us. Someone mentioned to me that there was only a few years, if that, left for “Christmas to be the way it used to be”. I didn’t reply to this family member, but for me…that ended 10 years ago. Christmas has never been the same. It has never been “the way it used to be.” It never will be. I lost so much more than just my mom 10 years ago, and it has been a long, rough road towards healing. But I have learned so very much.

Daily Quarantine Questions

I had hoped to blog more often during this quarantine, but goodness! It’s a little harder than I thought! I have a hard time focusing on what I want to type when everyone keeps asking me questions, or needs something, or just around me talking…so I will do what I can. I am trying so hard to focus on what is important. While my blog is important to me and helping anyone that it may help, I also know that this is a special time in the life of my family. Probably the only time we will all be together for this long, and I want it to be a time we look back on and smile about. Good memories, not miserable ones!


There is so much more to “healing” than just the physical…than just diet. That is why I included a “Meditation” section. Healing is Mind, Soul, and Body. I have spent a lot of time just trying to get my story together, and trying to just get the page set up, but today I am overwhelmed with this thought. It is a very important part of the healing process. Your mind and the battles that go on there, have a tremendous effect on your health. They trigger stress…stress triggers flares and other issues. So today I am going to share a major, major important lesson I am currently learning. I am not perfect. I am still working on this, but God is really helping me. Being Grateful. Contentment.