
So, we all know what’s going on in our crazy world right now. As of last night…(and I am saying last night because we ran out for a few last minute essentials…before we heard the announcement to shelter-in-place), I am camping out in my cozy little home…”sheltering–in-place. Even though for the last, 2 weeks really, I haven’t gone much of anywhere unless absolutely necessary, but now! Now I am staying home! My hubby is working from home, and my boys are home. (At least one of them…not 100% sure on the other at this exact moment, but he sees one maybe 2 people, if that, on his job, so I’m not overly worrying…although I would feel better if he were home…but that’s all part of “growing up.”

Anyway, I am trying to stay positive and keep things here positive, but I also want to be real. No “fake blogging” here. Yes, I am a little concerned. Yes, I have moments of being afraid, but seriously, honestly…God is helping me with that…tremendously! One way to help the anxiety of all this is staying off of Facebook. I also unfollowed all News pages, and limit my Social Media time. I am finding it liberating! My husband tells me what I need to know, and I can always look it up if I need to check something, but staying off has seriously reduced my anxiety, worrying, and blood pressure! LOL

I am trying to stay busy, and focused. Mind on good things. The Bible tells us to think on good things! So, even though this is a little different than what I normally post, I thought I would share with you some things to help keep you busy while you are Staying Home! It is after all part of mind and soul health!

First thing…Disinfect/clean the whole house. I done this first thing today. We can start out with knowing the house is clean. I made disinfecting wipes and will wipe down everything that is regularly touched, light switches, door knobs, handles…etc., every morning. (Been doing this for the last couple weeks already.) I also am catching up laundry today.

Spring Clean. (I kind of already done mine…I usually do it in January/February), but if you haven’t done yours yet, do it now! Get it done so when this is lifted we can enjoy being outside! I may touch up a few places again though. 😉

Read. These are what is in my reading pile right now. Dr. Wahls revised and expanded new book that just came out last week. Dr. Hyman’s Food Fix

Bake. Healthy treats for the freezer.

Work on your “to-do” list that’s been hanging around for a while. I know I have a list for my boys to work on…things I need some help with while they are home!

Craft or other projects that need finished up.

Declutter! This will go a VERY LONG way in mind health! For real! Combine this with Spring Cleaning. Don’t over analyze it…just do it. Follow a couple simple rules.

  • Do I use it? Have I used it in the last year?
  • Why exactly am I keeping this?

Decluttering makes your home cleaner, and easier to keep clean! It is also freeing! The more you own, the more that owns you!

Play Games. With your family!

Audiobooks. We love listening to stories around here. We will listen to them while we are doing other things. is offering free listening without a subscription right now. Also Lamplighter Theater has 50% off their audio books right now. (These are fantastic stories!) You can find audio books on Youtube…Treasures of the Snow is on YouTube. You can subscribe to Adventures in Odyssey and listen to all of AIO stories…the options are endless…

Catch up on your rest! Many of us are sleep deprived. Although, since I have been working on healing my gut and body, I have made my sleep a priority, and it is much improved!

Meditate! Pray and meditate! God may have some things to show you! How can you better prepare your body? Mind? soul? Be a better wife, mother? Whatever you need help in, ask God to show you!

Exercise. I have an elliptical, but use whatever means you have. Stairs? Neighborhood where you can walk, (Just keep your distance), treadmill…a hallway? Find exercise routines online.

Call a friend, or elderly person. Just check up on them!

If you get a nice day, work in the yard, or just set on the porch! Enjoy some fresh air and vitamin D!

I know there are plenty of things, ideas floating around out there, and I almost hated to post more, but it’s what was on my mind and heart today. Maybe it jogged something in you. I do not have small children at home and so my “List of activities”, is different than if you have little ones to entertain. But it is just as important that we keep busy and keep our minds busy. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop! I have witnessed it, I have experienced it, and I have learned it’s easier to prevent going there, than it is to get out of there once you are there.

It’s a good idea to make a list of things you would like to do over the next couple weeks. Do what you can, but certainly don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything done! But put forth an effort! Even if you pace your cleaning…at the end of 2 weeks you will be so glad you did! Then you can go outside and enjoy the sunshine!

I know this isn’t really much…and it may seem like it isn’t much in the way of health, but it really is. It’s the little everyday things that contribute to our health. I do hope this was helpful to someone though!

Thank you for reading and please, please all of you, my dear friends, stay well! <3