
Hi ya’all! Sorry to have been a stranger for the last few months. I am making strides to get back here. I have missed it. I won’t make excuses…suffice it to say…Life happens. And there has been a lot of “life” in the last few months.

Loss. Gain. Heartache. Peace. Heartbreak. Love. Grief. Sunshine. Death. New Life. Deceit. Trust. Fear. Faith. Sickness. Health. Mourning. Laughing.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 comes to mind…To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: ~seems that every single one of those seasons needed to show up during the last year or so of my life. Overwhelming…absolutely at times! But God. God is always faithful. Still in the thick of it? Yep! But learning…ever learning…one day at a time.

Isn’t that how we need to do life anyway? One day at a time?

With all of the chaos, however, I have managed to not have any major flares. Some minor issues, yes, but no major flares. We all know stress is a trigger, but thankfully I have had no major flares. I was sick seemingly most of the winter, but seems like about everyone was. It is some weird times we live in ya’all.

I am a grandma again. This time to an adorable little boy. Cuddliest little guy! Love being a grandma. One of the reasons I chose this healthy path. So I could be the best “me” I could be for my family. I am needing to tighten the straps a little more and am making moves to do just that. I have noticed my energy levels are down a bit, so it it time to be a bit more strict and fix this.

I didn’t have any big exciting post other than to tell you all I am hopefully back. I do have a list of some post ideas, but What would you like to see me post about?

Thank you again for being here!