Daily Quarantine Questions

I had hoped to blog more often during this quarantine, but goodness! It’s a little harder than I thought! I have a hard time focusing on what I want to type when everyone keeps asking me questions, or needs something, or just around me talking…so I will do what I can. I am trying so hard to focus on what is important. While my blog is important to me and helping anyone that it may help, I also know that this is a special time in the life of my family. Probably the only time we will all be together for this long, and I want it to be a time we look back on and smile about. Good memories, not miserable ones!

I also know some are ‘going crazy’, and the news of a quarantine extension is overwhelming. Maybe this will help someone. I cannot take credit for the idea…I seen it somewhere (I do not even remember where). BUT I did edit it to fit me. It does help. At least it does me! It causes me to think about what I am doing next. This is in addition to my daily cleaning, cooking, wife/mom duties.

I have a couple dry erase magnets on the side of my fridge. The large one I use to keep freezer inventory on. The small one, has my “to do” and my family’s “to-do” lists on it. There was room at the bottom, so I wrote these Questions on it for a daily reminder. I just put a little heart next to them when I complete them that day. <3

  1. Who am I checking on/connecting with today? Text or call someone. Check on an elderly relative…chat with a friend. Just make a human connection of some sort!
  2. What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today? What is “normal” anyway? lol Seriously though…I am a routine, organized person. I like to “know what I am doing.” That is very difficult to do when your routine is messed up. There are more people in the house all day every day and what you are “used to” just won’t work. You can choose to either stay frustrated and upset or find a “new normal”. Even if it’s temporary. I suppose this has been good for me. It is forcing me to focus on what is important. It is forcing me to try new things! Let it go! It doesn’t really matter in the big scheme of things! (I still want my quiet morning and coffee though! LOL)
  3. How am I getting outside today? Being shut up in the house is not mentally healthy. Even if it’s nothing more than checking the mail…TRY to get outside and get some fresh air! If it’s too cold I may just step out for a few minutes, but I try to get outside every day. Go for a drive, walk around the yard. Set on the porch. Go for a walk. Clean up the yard. Work in the flower bed. Something. I also open my windows every day that it’s feasible. That does not count as “going outside” but it does help tremendously to bring that fresh air into the house! It affects moods! Besides, if it’s nice enough to open windows, it’s most likely nice enough to go outside!
  4. How am I moving my body today? Try to get some type of daily exercise. I usually do my elliptical. But do something.
  5. How am I expressing my creativity today? Find a project. Create a project. I remembered that I had some of my mom’s unfinished projects she had started and was unable to finish. I dug those out and am working on them. I also heard that medical places were needing masks. I ordered fabric (JoAnns will do online ordering and curbside delivery) and am working on making masks. Whether it is crafty, a home project, baking, cooking, painting, whatever it is…find the creativity inside you. Learn something new. To finish one of my mom’s projects I am going to have to learn something new.
  6. What type of ‘self-care’ am I practicing today? Read a book, relax, do a foot soak, take a long bath, exercise, take a few minutes each day for yourself. Take time to meditate. Pray and meditate. That goes a long way in mental self-care! Also, get dressed! Setting around in your pj’s all day affects your mood. You know the saying “dressed for success.” It’s real. How you dress affects your mood. Stay in pjs and sweats all day and you feel sluggish and lazy…So just getting dressed is practicing “self-care”. (NOTE: I am not a stay in my pjs kind of gal…never have been, but I know many who are. I am just throwing some tips to help out there. This is a hard time, and we need to help ourselves as much as each other.)
  7. What am I grateful for today? I think I told you in a previous post about an app I downloaded to my phone. I also have been doing Rachel Cruze’s Contentment Journal. Between these 2 things I am writing down things to be thankful for. But be thankful…every.single.day. We still have much to be grateful for!
  8. What food did I make/create today? I have been wanting to try different things, and stock up some things for me in the freezer. So I made a list of what I wanted to make and each day I choose one of those items from my list and make it. Sometimes, it’s for me. Sometimes it’s for my family. (They still like their cookies too!;) )

Edit it to fit you, your lifestyle. But rotating through this list keeps you from getting burnt out on the same thing all day, and it helps keep you busy and focused.

Thank you all for reading, and I truly hope you all stay well! Hopefully soon I will be able to get to posting some recipes!

This week I have made,

Danielle Walker’s Oatmeal Cream Pies (Icing is in Celebrations cookbook) These are AMAZING!

Chocolate Chip Cookies I absolutely love these cookies! Gluten free, choc. chip comfort cookies!

Chocolate Zucchini Muffins These are yummy, but next time I am going to try them not in paper cups…they stuck to the paper a little when trying to peel it off. But they are super yummy!