A Few Grab Snacks

While I strongly suggest following the Protocol as strictly as possible for several months, and healing your gut. I am going to post a few of my favorite “grab snacks”. Because…let’s be realistic here…sometimes you just need to not have to “make” it! While I enjoy making most of my food, sometimes “life” gets in the way. I have learned to make extra of some things or “batch cook” and freeze. But I do have a few things that I keep on hand for “just in case.”

Larabars. One of my favorites is the Cashew Larabar. There are several different flavors, but you need to check the ingredients. There are a few that I suggest staying completely away from. Any that contain “peanuts” for one. While most other nuts are perfectly fine as long as you don’t have a nut allergy, peanuts are inflammatory and not a good idea to eat with autoimmune diseases. Also, some of the bars have “sugar”. Most of these are ‘ok’ just check them. I limit these, and keep them on hand for if I am running errands or need something right now, because these do have a little more “natural sugar” than is suggested to intake for a day. But they are good and the sugar comes from the dates.

Hail Merry Dark Chocolate Bites. These are amazing to help with the chocolate cravings and dairy/sugar free! I found these in the fridge section of Fresh Thyme.

Siete grain free tortilla chips. These are AAAAAMAZING! Eat with salsa or make your own “taco salad” or just for a salty crunch! Or pair with the Siete Queso…YUMM!

Siete Queso. This is a dairy free “cheese” option. I add my homemade salsa to it and wala…nachos! I will tell you. I was off of cheese for several months before I “tried” ANY of the dairy free cheeses. While they are different, I actually really like some of them…most of them! (and I am a cheese snob! LOL) I may have to do a whole post on cheese, but not today…LOL

Simple Mills Crackers. Be careful with other flavors of this brand’s crackers. The cheese ones, for example, have dairy in them. Just check your labels! But these also help with the salty crunch cravings. They also come in individual size bags! Great for road trips!

Autumn’s Gold grain free granola bars. I found these at Costco and was super excited! They are super good! Another great item to have on hand for errands, or trips.

Again! You want to limit your “grab snack foods.” Because they should not be your go to food. But I wanted you to know there ARE options! Costco is a great place to look. They have a lot of healthy options. Whole Foods, Fresh Thyme. Or just keep checking back here! πŸ™‚ I will post what I find! First and foremost you want/NEED to heal your gut! That will help everything else. A couple things that will also aid in that are L-glutamine, and probiotics! I take a couple different ones, it’s a good idea to rotate which ones you take to get a variety of good bacteria. The 2 I rotate the most are Innovix Labs, and Life 9 from Young Living. You just want to make sure your probiotic has several million/billion cultures in it. Drinking bone broth is also extremely helpful in gut healing. I will do a post soon on making your own. (It IS NOT HARD! I promise!)

I hope you all found some helpful tips today! πŸ™‚ Thank you for following me and my journey! I am thankful to God for helping me and guiding me on this journey!

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  1. Kay | 30th Jan 20

    Thank you for sharing. Very helpful

    • admin | 3rd Feb 20

      So very welcome! Thank you for reading! <3

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